I’ve been blogging for just over two years, but I’ve only been trying to make money online with blogging for the last 6 months since I lost my day job. I’ve been very pleased with the results and in 12 months I’ve managed to increase my income from $573 in October 2006 to $15,179 in October 2007 - that’s a 2549% increase in 12 months and an annual salary of over $180,000! Obviously writing good posts and writing frequently are important, but so is ensuring that when the traffic arrives you are ready to take advantage. I’ve tried to condense into one post all the advertising schemes, site modifications and SEO tweaks I’ve made on my blogging journey that have allowed me to generate a $180K annual salary in just twelve months.Affiliate Schemes
Advertising Networks
If you are anything like me, you probably have dozens of unread messages sitting on your Gmail account. I try to keep my inbox zeroed through out the week, but sometimes you just can’t handle the amount of incoming messages.
Other times you leave some messages unread on purpose, because you know that you are only going to need them in the future (that happens when you run a contest or a competition, for example).
Now when I first started using Gmail, I would run through all the previous pages in order to find those unread messages. Needless to say it was a boring and time consuming task. Then one day I thought: “hmmm, there must be a better way to do this.”
There was, and it was pretty simple. All you need to do it is to search for “label:unread” on the Gmail search box. This will filter only the unread messages.
What other Gmail tricks do you use frequently?